We enable skills for social development

At Mallplaza we seek to generate opportunities for the autonomous development of each of our stakeholders, through the promotion of entrepreneurship, culture and inclusion.

Incentives related to local relations 

Incentives related to local relations: Mallplaza defined incentives related to local relations for Management and Assistant Managers. The KPI associated with meeting the goal of the regional ESG survey has a weight of 20% for the Corporate Affairs Management and Sustainability Deputy Management and 10% for the Prosecutor. It is important to note that this KPI is linked to the annual monetary bonus, in addition to generating a relevant impact and forming a key part of our ESG strategy. Mallplaza's KPI methodology includes the marketing of the goals from the management level, which implies that non-executive employees of the corporate affairs and operations departments include the ESG survey KPI in their performance evaluations.


Human rights due diligence

Our due diligence process, carried out in Chile, Colombia and Peru, has examined the following elements associated with potential human rights risks

Forced labor, child labor and working conditions
Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
Diversity and equal opportunity, including equitable remuneration and non-discrimination
Information privacy

On the other hand, complementing what we indicated in our Integrated Report 2023, in all our operations in Chile, Peru and Colombia we have implemented mitigation actions against the risks in terms of human rights derived from our due diligence process, thus ensuring our commitment to our stakeholders in this matter.


Discrimination & harassment

 During the second half of the year 2023, 98% of employees took an e-learning course on corporate integrity, which also included issues of workplace harassment, sexual harassment and discrimination.

In addition, during the year 2024, we have trained the various Mallplaza teams on the new Karin Law (Law 21.643), which establishes a clear legal framework for the prevention and punishment of workplace harassment, sexual harassment and violence in the workplace. Although this is a Chilean law, we will provide training to employees in the three countries where we operate. We have also extended training to contract administrators of relevant suppliers and reinforced the communication of the Law with our Business Partners. Thus, by the end of December 2024, we will have 100% of our employees trained on this issue.

Workforce Diversity

Regional consolidated hiring, leavers and turnover rate*

*The table found on page 240 of the Integrated Report 2023 is republished, since typing errors were found after its publication.


Nationality breakdown


Gender breakdown

In Chile and Colombia, 46% of the workforce is made up of women. At management level, 38% of the total are women in both countries. This includes 18% in senior executive positions, 48% in junior executive positions and 44% in revenue-generating areas. On the other hand, 30% of women hold STEM positions in both countries.

Female leadership 

Number of female employees per position

Senior Management Management Chief Operator Sales Force Administrative Assistant Other professionalsOther technicians Total 
 2 42 50 0 36 18 3 207 0 358

Details of the information on pages 85-87, 235 and 139 of the 2023 Integrated Report.


Average years employed by the company

Considering the period 2021 to 2023, Mallplaza in 2023 underwent an administrative and financial restructuring process that involved all areas of the Company in a transversal manner, given the need to rationalize costs and staffing of the company, defining a new structure and staffing that would allow us to meet and achieve the goals and requirements necessary to meet the objectives of our commercial business. 

On the other hand, in the same 3-year period, Mallplaza has not undergone any major mergers or acquisitions that could have negatively affected our employees.

In addition, Mallplaza during 2023 was not affected by strikes, work stoppages and/or closures by employees.

Salary per employee:
CLP : $3.057.506
USD: 3.486



 In Chile and Colombia, 170 people were recruited. In both countries, 29% of vacancies were filled by internal candidates.


Turnover rate

For Chile and Colombia, the voluntary turnover rate was 10% and 23% involuntary, for a total of 33% for both countries.


Absentee Rate

For Chile and Colombia, the absenteeism rate was 2.1% for 2023.

People Analytics Tools

We have a Corporate People Analytics team (Grupo Falabella) that aims to transform the way we manage people by making decisions based on data. This area manages through a “Corporate Data Lake” that seeks the standardization of concepts, forecasts future talent needs, classifications and groupings for Grupo Falabella, as well as the democratization of information through secure and governed access to corporate data. 

The People Analytics team defines, measures and tracks corporate KPIS, facilitating guidelines and unification of standards. They generate analysis and deliver insights for management regarding issues such as Performance Evaluation, Culture Survey, Staffing, Mobility, among others, providing support in local analysis, according to the needs of each business. The reports are made available in “dashboards” format so that they can be easily consulted by businesses and stakeholders.


Training and development

 The following figures represent Mallplaza Chile and Colombia

(Original table in the Integrated Report page 245)


(Original table in the Integrated Report page 244)


Development programs


Performance evaluation

The performance evaluation of our employees includes competency and potential evaluations. Likewise, a 360-degree evaluation is carried out, which involves the views of the direct management as well as those of peers, customers and collaborators, when applicable. This evaluation is also structured at the level of roles and teams, according to the position family in Mallplaza. 

These instances are carried out annually, with different stages contemplated during the year. At the same time, Mallplaza develops a process to define the objectives and KPIs of the collaborators, according to the current strategic plan. In this process, leaders are responsible for transmitting the objectives and goals to their areas and teams to be achieved during the year.

Culture of all for all

We implement an annual Culture Survey to identify the overall experience of employees, obtaining indicators of climate, engagement, eNPS, and leadership, among others. The 2023 results showed that one of Mallplaza's strengths is the possibility of learning new things; the autonomy provided by the leaders is highly valued in the teams, as well as the clarity of the strategy and the role of each employee in it.

Regarding the management of results, these are disseminated to the teams through their respective leaders by means of a cascade communication, which allows the involvement and participation of all employees who are part of Mallplaza. Also, the latter have to implement various action plans associated with their results, through initiatives that can be developed with their teams to address gaps or opportunities for improvement that arise from the conclusions obtained.

In addition, every year we conduct the SSIndex ESG survey that allows us to compare the satisfaction and knowledge of our employees in relation to the employees of the rest of the companies in the world. This survey also measures a number of attributes including job purpose and employee satisfaction. Our high favorability indexes make us worthy of the SSIndex employees seal. This seal is awarded to companies with a percentage above 75% and 70% employee participation in the survey.


Note: Figures for Chile and Colombia.


At Mallplaza we have several alliances with educational institutions in order to promote the development of programs that contribute to the professional training of our employees. One of the alliances is with Políglota, with whom employees can take English courses according to their levels free of charge. On the other hand, we work with Karimca Capacitación, where employees can take Excel classes at the level determined by a test they take beforehand. We also have an alliance with Udemy, where we have a certain number of licenses available that are granted according to criteria to some of the company's employees. Finally, it should be noted that all Falabella Group units, including Mallplaza, have the BUK platform available to all employees, a tool for the management of team learning with which we try to promote the self-management of each employee with regard to their training, with this platform available where you can find various types of courses and content. In addition, we made available to our employees an upskilling plan, with synchronous courses, called “Lets GO”, which gave access to all those interested in having the opportunity to acquire a language or improve the level of those employees who were interested and met the requirements of seniority and age. Finally, we developed an online self-learning platform with more than 7,300 courses, with diverse content such as: cloud computing, development, digital marketing, cybersecurity, data science, it certifications, leadership, team management, communication, strategy, design thinking, emotional intelligence, finance, stress management, anxiety management, language learning, wellness and mindfulness, among others.



Part of our commitment to provide welfare to our employees lies in contributing to an improvement in their quality of life from different areas, both work and personal, including their families. In this sense, we carry out a permanent accompaniment through different instances, online activities, study programs and discussions, in addition to making available to each of them a comprehensive proposal of benefits and compensation at a transversal level, divided into three types:

  • Corporate Benefit: Those that each of our collaborators has for being part of our company. This benefit applies to all collaborators who have a labor contract of more than 30 hours per week. 

  • Agreements and discounts: Applied for various products and services in categories such as health, gastronomy, travel and tourism, among others. This benefit applies to all employees.

  • Flexible benefits: System for redeeming points for days off applicable to categories such as family, healthy living, procedures and free time. This benefit applies to all employees who have a labor contract of more than 30 hours per week.


MBA and Master sponsorship program

 In order to promote the development and growth of our employees and encourage retention, at Mallplaza we have the MBA and Master's Sponsorship Program, which allows us to finance 100% of the MBA and Master's studies at the best universities in the world, in addition to an Import all events for the first expenses of the scholarship holders (tickets, books, etc.). The scholarship program is aimed at all professionals at or above Senior Analyst level. 

The company is committed to ensure a position at the end of the studies, with a market income for MBA or Master's degree holders. Likewise, in the case of Master's degrees, it ensures the return to areas related to their specialization studies. Upon return, the employee commits to remain in the company for 3 years in the case of MBA and 2 years in the case of Master.

Employee support programs

 In addition to what is mentioned in our Integrated Report, Mallplaza has the following benefits for its employees

Stress management: through specialized tools and processes aimed at employees to manage their workload

Health promotion: In Mallplaza we promote sports initiatives with paddle tennis and soccer championships. And with respect to health, we vaccinate our collaborators with vaccines such as Influenza.

Telework: Certain employees in certain functions have the benefit of hybrid work during the week. In addition, in some cases, special leave may be granted by management.

Exclusive breastfeeding room: contains all the facilities required to continue breastfeeding, such as a chair, refrigerator and sink. In addition, each mall has a breastfeeding room for visitors and collaborators.

Postnatal: 12 weeks are granted for the mother and 1 for the father. The benefit that is established in the legislation is that for those who receive a remuneration higher than the taxable ceiling of the medical institution, Mallplaza pays the difference guaranteeing the full remuneration to the collaborator for the entire period of prenatal leave, postnatal and postnatal parental leave.

Some of our employees also work part-time, that is, they are hired for 20 to 30 hours per week.

Best place to work

 In March 2024, we obtained the Equidad CL 2023 Certification as one of the best places to work for LGBTIQ+ talent, by Human Rights Campaign, Fundación Iguales and Pride Connection Chile. In addition, we were awarded category A as part of Pride Connection's radiography: diagnosis on diversity and inclusion with a focus on sexual and gender diversity, which aims to detect gaps and opportunities for improvement in the management of processes and initiatives in each organization.


Health and Safety
In accordance with our Occupational Health and Safety Policy, Mallplaza in its risk control programs identifies the risks that require higher priority to be addressed, according to the impact they have on our employees and contractors. In this sense, the company, through the Risk Prevention and Sustainability Sub-Management, establishes annual quantitative objectives to evaluate its progress in this area, and generate better working conditions for all those who work in our facilities. 

On the other hand, our Occupational Health and Safety Policy states that Mallplaza will promote that its Stakeholders adjust their conduct to the established principles, including suppliers and contractors. In this sense, our company implements a series of requirements to suppliers and contractors, which include healthy and safe work environments and any other legal and/or labor regulations in force with respect to its workers. As indicated in our Integrated Report, our suppliers are subject to evaluation based on their compliance with these requirements. 

Our policies in this area are validated by the Board of Directors.


Lost-Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) of employees

For Chile and Colombia, the LTIFR indicator was 0.23 for 2023.


Health & Wellbeing Programs

 We have developed a relationship model with our store associates that aims to cultivate a strong sense of community in each shopping center that houses our stores. This approach is based on building a strong bond of trust, supported by proactive and decisive leadership from our management teams. In addition, we have implemented a number of informational initiatives designed to address a variety of operational issues, relevant news and ongoing campaigns.

Our strategy also includes the organization of participatory activities and meetings that foster strong community building. These activities are designed to promote open dialogue and the active participation of all store employees.

A concrete example of our commitment to the health and well-being of our associates is our "Sanamente" campaign. This initiative seeks to promote a healthy lifestyle among store associates. During this campaign, we share healthy recipes and tips, distribute fruits in all stores and provide meditation guides that are available on our online Store Portal. 

At Mallplaza we also strive to ensure universal accessibility and inclusion in all our shopping centers. This applies not only to our visitors, but also to our store associates. We have implemented various measures, such as the construction of accessible parking lots and restrooms, the adaptation of areas for wheelchair users, the installation of guards under stairs, among others.
We also conduct regular inspections in our stores to ensure the safety and comfort of our employees. These inspections cover aspects of:

Indoor air quality

Water quality

Acoustic comfort 

To further strengthen our safety culture, we keep detailed records of accidents in our stores. This information enables us to monitor incidents and take preventive measures to avoid future occurrences.

Customer relations

 NPS %. For Chile and Colombia the NPS was 69% in 2023.

Stakeholder engagement

 The Corporate Sustainability Policy has a specific scope, being applicable to Plaza S.A. and all its subsidiaries in different countries, being them responsible for applying it to their employees and stakeholders corresponding to: visitors, business partners, investors, external personnel, suppliers, community, authorities and media. 

This policy establishes guidelines to identify the different local stakeholders in our environments, especially those vulnerable groups where we seek to contribute to their quality of life.

Transparency is a fundamental principle for Mallplaza. For this reason, and in order to generate capacities, we have channels and mechanisms to communicate in a clear, timely, honest and complete manner our main decisions and management practices that affect our stakeholders, society in general and the environment.  

In addition, Mallplaza makes available to all its stakeholders its Integrity Channel, through which they can make inquiries and complaints in accordance with the provisions of the Mallplaza Integrity Code.


Social integration initiatives

 As part of the month of solidarity and as part of our commitment to the territories and social organizations, at Mallplaza we facilitated spaces for dissemination and recruitment of members, with the aim of making visible the work developed by each of them, bringing these initiatives closer to our visitors. 

Throughout the month of August 2023, we had recruitment points in 10 urban centers: Mallplaza Egaña, Mallplaza Copiapó, Mallplaza Trébol, Mallplaza Antofagasta, Mallplaza Sur, Mallplaza Los Domínicos, Mallplaza Vespucio, Mallplaza Biobío, Mallplaza Tobalaba and Mallplaza Oeste.

The organizations and foundations that participated during the month were: Unicef, Hogar de Cristo, Escuela de Enfermería de la Universidad de Atacama, Techo, Fundación DEM and Fundación nuestros hijos, who through activations invited visitors to be part of their organizations by becoming partners.


Opportunities for entrepreneurs

Plaza Emprende
In Mallplaza we have been strengthening entrepreneurship for more than 10 years through the Plaza Emprende Program, which aims to be a space for training, marketing and growth for our community of entrepreneurs who are in different stages of development.

One of the tools we have is the Plaza Emprende Portal, where entrepreneurs can register and access training opportunities, marketing spaces and visibility of alliances that positively impact the development of their entrepreneurship, always with a focus on manufacturing products. 

Regarding commercialization spaces, we have different business models, such as fairs, modules and collaborative stores, spaces where entrepreneurs have the possibility to enter for free and scale up to a social rate, with a discount on the commercial value of the space.