The Plaza S.A. Board is composed of nine members. By law, it is the company's administrator: it defines its objectives, appoints the CEO and delegates execution of the strategy to him. It controls the company's management through Board meetings and the Committee of Directors.


Every year, the Mallplaza Board of Directors has a permanent training mechanism in relevant matters for proper decision-making and correct performance of their functions.

Thus, the topics discussed at the training session on November 9, 2023 were: e-commerce strategy, Falabella strategy, and Founders Mentality. Directors were also trained in the new Law on Economic Crimes and Personal Data.

In addition, this body has a digital learning platform, which considers five modules that deal with the following subjects: fiduciary duties of Directors; free competition; crime prevention– criminal liability of the legal entity–, personal data; and integrity. The courses are mandatory for all Directors and evaluated accordingly.

Sergio Cardone Solari, Chairman


Chilean ID number: 5.082.229-k
76 years
Business Administration, Catholic University of Chile
Chairman of the Board since April 2009. Non-independent Director.

Other responsibilities within the group:
→ Director of Falabella Retail S.A.
→ Director of Falabella Retail S.A.

Other responsibilities outside the group:
→ Director of the real estate company Enaco Haldeman Mining Co.
→ Director of Parque del Recuerdo

Percentage stake in Plaza S.A.: He has no direct stake. He has an indirect stake through the controller Amalfi Group, with: 
- Importadora y Comercializadora Amalfi SpA (45,542,102 shares, equivalent to 1.82%).
- Inversiones Vietri S.A. (10,899,037 shares, equivalent to 0.43%).

Paul Fürst Gwinner, director


Chilean ID number: 6.979.383-5
57 years.
Business Administration.
Director since April 2009. Non-independent Director.

Other responsibilities within the group: not applicable.

Other responsibilities outside the group:
→ Director of WEB Capital Administradora de Fondos.
→ Director of Terraservice, drilling company.
→ He was previously director of Parque Arauco for 12 years.

Percentage stake in Plaza S.A.:
He has no direct stake. He holds an indirect stake together with this family, equivalent to 14.02% through Inversiones Avenida Borgoño Limitada.

Carlo Solari Donaggio, director


Chilean ID number: 9.585.749-3
51 years.
Civil Industrial Engineer from the Catholic University of Chile.
MBA from the Wharton School of Business of the University of Pennsylvania.
Director since April 2009. Non-independent Director.

Other responsibilities within the group:
→ Chairman of the Board of Falabella S.A.
→ Director of Falabella Inversiones Financiera S.A.
→ Director of Hipermercados Tottus S.A.
→ Director of Dinalsa SpA.

Other responsibilities outside the group:
→ CEO of Megeve, a group the invests directly in private equity, shares and bonds in Latin America, in sectors such as real estate, energy, health services and mining.
→ Member of the Executive Committee of the Center for Public Studies.
→ Vice President of the Paz Ciudadana Foundation.
→ Director of the Aptus Educational Foundation.

Percentage stake in Plaza S.A.:
He has no direct stake. He has an indirect stake through the controller San Vitto Group, with:
-             Inversiones San Vitto Limitada (243,698,146 shares, equivalent to 9.71%).
-             Asesorías e Inversiones Brunello Limitada (8,542,268 shares, equivalent to 0.34%).
-             Inversiones Brunello Dos Limitada (310,000 shares, equivalent to 0.01%).
-             Asesorías e Inversiones Barolo Limitada (8,852,288 shares, equivalent to 0.35%).
-             Asesorías e Inversiones Sangiovese Limitada (8,852,248 shares, equivalent to 0.35%).

Manuela Sánchez Muñoz, director


Chilean ID number: 9.306.718-5
51 years.
Business Administration, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez.
MBA, Harvard University. The first Chilean woman to graduate from the program.
Director since April 2019. Independent Director.

Other responsibilities within the group: not applicable.

Other responsibilities outside the group:
→ Director of Banco de Crédito e Inversiones.
→ Director of CAP
→ Director of Viña Luis Felipe Edwards.
→ Director of the Luksic Foundation.
→ Director of the Make a Wish Foundation
→ Director of the Chilean Cultural Heritage Corporation.
→ Director of the Los Anhelos Foundation.
→ Director of the Association of Women in Finance.
→ Member of the ICARE Finance and Business Circle.
→ Member of the Advisory Council of the Latin American Center of Tsinghua University.
→ Member of the Advisory Council on the Equity Market, Finance Ministry.

Percentage stake in Plaza S.A.:

Alejandro Puentes Bruno, director


Chilean ID number: 8.860.493-8
48 years.
Business Administration, Catholic University of Chile.
MBA, Harvard University.
Director since April 2019. Non-independent Director.

Other responsibilities within the group: not applicable.

Other responsibilities outside the group:
→ CEO of Servicios Financieros Altis S.A.
→ Director of Marine Farm S.A.
→ Director of Imagina.
→ Director of Landes.

Percentage stake in Plaza S.A.:

Tomás Müller Benoit, director


Chilean ID number: 10.994.040-2
50 years.
Business Administration and Economist, Universidad Finis Terrae.
MBA from the FW Olin School of Business, Babson College, Boston, USA.
Director since April 2019.

Other responsibilities within the group: not applicable.

Other responsibilities outside the group:
→ Partner of Servicios Financieros Altis S.A.

Percentage stake in Plaza S.A.:
He has no direct stake. He holds an indirect stake together with this family, equivalent to 11.5% through companies participating in Rentas Tissa Limitada.

Juan Pablo Montero Schepeler, director


Chilean ID number: 9.357.959-3
60 years.
Civil Industrial Engineer from the University of Chile.
Director since April 2014.

Other responsibilities within the group:
→ Director of Banco Falabella Chile.
→ Director on other Falabella boards in Chile, Peru, Argentina and Colombia.

Other responsibilities outside the group:
→ Director of Inverfal Peru S.A.A.
→ He was previously a member of the Falabella Departmental Stores Division, director of the Asia Pacific Chamber of Commerce, the Peruvian-Chilean Chamber of Commerce and the Argentine-Chilean Chamber of Commerce.

Percentage stake in Plaza S.A.:
He has no direct stake. He holds an indirect stake equivalent to 0.00895% through shares in S.A.C.I. Falabella.

Pablo Eyzaguirre Court, director


Chilean ID number: 8.878.318-2
51 years.
Civil Industrial Engineer, Catholic University of Chile.
MBA from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
MA in Management and International Studies from The Lauder Institute.
Director since December 2017. Non-independent Director.

Other responsibilities within the group: not applicable.

Other responsibilities outside the group:
→ Managing Director of Urbem Capital (real estate investments)
→ Founder and director of Prius Ventures (fintech venture capital).
→ Partner at management, innovation, and digitalization consulting firms.
→ Registered in the Superintendency of Pensions Director Registry.
→ He was previously a consultant for retail companies and financial institutions in Mexico, Brazil and Chile. Director of several real estate and financial sector companies.

Percentage stake in Plaza S.A.:

More information in LinkedIn

Dafne González Lizama, director


Chilean ID number: 14.242.364-2
49 years.
An attorney from the University of Chile.
Master's degree in business law, Pompeau Fabra University, Barcelona.
Director since 2022. Non-independent Director.

Other responsibilities within the group:
→ Corporate Legal and Operational Affairs Manager for Falabella S.A.

Other responsibilities outside the group:
→ Founding member of the Corporación Red MAD Mujeres Alta Dirección (Women in Senior Management).
→ Facilitator of the Global Initiative #IamRemarkable
→ A member of the International Bar Association (IBA)