Chilean ID number: 9.585.749-3
51 years.
Civil Industrial Engineer from the Catholic University of Chile.
MBA from the Wharton School of Business of the University of Pennsylvania.
Director since April 2009. Non-independent Director.
Other responsibilities within the group:
→ Chairman of the Board of Falabella S.A.
→ Director of Falabella Inversiones Financiera S.A.
→ Director of Hipermercados Tottus S.A.
→ Director of Dinalsa SpA.
Other responsibilities outside the group:
→ CEO of Megeve, a group the invests directly in private equity, shares and bonds in Latin America, in sectors such as real estate, energy, health services and mining.
→ Member of the Executive Committee of the Center for Public Studies.
→ Vice President of the Paz Ciudadana Foundation.
→ Director of the Aptus Educational Foundation.
Percentage stake in Plaza S.A.:
He has no direct stake. He has an indirect stake through the controller San Vitto Group, with:
- Inversiones San Vitto Limitada (243,698,146 shares, equivalent to 9.71%).
- Asesorías e Inversiones Brunello Limitada (8,542,268 shares, equivalent to 0.34%).
- Inversiones Brunello Dos Limitada (310,000 shares, equivalent to 0.01%).
- Asesorías e Inversiones Barolo Limitada (8,852,288 shares, equivalent to 0.35%).
- Asesorías e Inversiones Sangiovese Limitada (8,852,248 shares, equivalent to 0.35%).